Hola a todos! tengo tiempo sin publicar nada, la verdad ni tiempo tenia.
solo les quiero contar que estoy mas ansiosa de que llegue el martes, porque el martes sera un día especial para mi. Porque? eso es un se-cre-to~
Hello everyone! long time without posting new entry, sorry i didn't had time.
I just wanted to share with you that i'm excited for tuesday, because for me, tuesday its going to be a very important day. Why? well that's a secret~
solo les quiero contar que estoy mas ansiosa de que llegue el martes, porque el martes sera un día especial para mi. Porque? eso es un se-cre-to~
Hello everyone! long time without posting new entry, sorry i didn't had time.
I just wanted to share with you that i'm excited for tuesday, because for me, tuesday its going to be a very important day. Why? well that's a secret~

Aquí algunas fotos de lo poco que compre esta semana:
so here some photos of what i bought this week :

Un espejo
con organizador para brochas y unas decoraciones en forma de diamantes

A mirror with brushes organizer and diamond gems for decoration

Asi es como se ven los diamantes
This is how the diamonds looks
This is how the diamonds looks

Mi adicción a los mangas shoujo, siempre esta presente: En esta semana me la pase traumada con este manga, Kamisama Hajimemashita, lo lei hasta donde se ha publicado actualmente (o mas bien traducido), me enamore del personaje de Tomoe es tan lindo! totalmente recomendable y mas ahora que el anime esta en transmisión.
My shoujo manga adiction is still powerful: This week i read the manga of Kamisama Hajimemashita, is still on going, but it is a really good manga! it's about gods and some youkai, i felt in love with Tomoe, he is so cute! i really recommend this manga! or at least watch the anime, wich is on going too.
My shoujo manga adiction is still powerful: This week i read the manga of Kamisama Hajimemashita, is still on going, but it is a really good manga! it's about gods and some youkai, i felt in love with Tomoe, he is so cute! i really recommend this manga! or at least watch the anime, wich is on going too.

Aparte de los mangas, también esta mi adicción a los videojuegos
creados por medio del RPG Maker, ya me baje muchísimos!

me gusto tanto que empece a buscar todos aquellos Yume Nikki fangames, actualmente estoy terminando ".Flow". Pronto haré reviews de estos juegos!
A couple of weeks ago I finished playing Yume Nikki
I liked it so much that I started looking for all those Yume Nikki fangames, I'm currently finishing. "Flow".
Soon I will make reviews of these games!
A couple of weeks ago I finished playing Yume Nikki
I liked it so much that I started looking for all those Yume Nikki fangames, I'm currently finishing. "Flow".
Soon I will make reviews of these games!

Me encanto esta imagen, aparecen todos los protagonistas de los Yume Nikki Fangames.
I love this picture, here you can see all the protagonists from some of the Yume Nikki Fangames.
I love this picture, here you can see all the protagonists from some of the Yume Nikki Fangames.
Hola,Disculpa, necesito pedirte tu ayuda, algunos consejos sobre cosmeticos asiaticos, he visto que eres una gran gyaru a la que admiro, queria ver si tendrias la amabilidad, de contestar mis dudas, muchas gracias
ResponderEliminar:3 claro como consejos de que tipo de cosméticos quieres?
EliminarDe maquillaje coreano, Bebe creams, tintes para labios como tony moly, queriamos saber, si nos podrias dar consejos sobre productos, y donde podriamos comprarlos, que nos recomiendes varios vendedores, te lo agradeceriamos mucho, estamos realizando un proyecto para emprendedores, como estamos super obsecionadas con los doramas, desidimos hacer algo que tenga que ver con la venta de articulos coreanos, Muchas gracias por tu ayuda♥ mi correo es You-are-Beutiful@hotmail.com