Hola punejitos!!! como estan? primero que nada:

Hello bunnies! how are you? well, first of all:

Como pasaron su Navidad y Celebración de año nuevo?
yo muy bien con mi familia. En navidad, primero fui a casa de mi abuela (por parte de mi padre) y de ahí fuimos a la casa de mi hermana a seguir festejando. En año nuevo la pasamos aqui en mi casa comiendo pavo 

So how was your Christmas and New Year celebration? Mine was really good, i celebrated with my family. On Christmas we went with my Grandmother (my dad's mom) and then we went with my sister and her family.On New Year we stayed at home eating Turkey!

Mi outfit de Noche Buena/ Navidad
This was my outfit for this Christmas Eve

♥ Top: Liz Lisa (replica)
♥ Skirt: Liz Lisa
♥ Boots: Liz Lisa (replica)
♥ Hair: Prisila
Y este fue mi make up y mi peinado
~ Desgraciadamente no alcance a utilizar pestañas inferiores, porque mis padres ya se querían ir a la fiesta 

And this wa my makeup and hairstyle~ Unfortunately i didnt use lower lashes, because it was late and my parents already wanted to go to the party.

En la entrada pasada publique que me habian adelantado los regalos de navidad, pero esta navidad también recibí algunos y otros estan por llegar~ 

In the last entry I posted about my early Christmas gifts, but i also received some gifts this past Christmas ~
De parte de mi hermana, ropa nueva! ella siempre me regala ropa estilo rokku. 

From my sister, some new clothes! she always gives me clothes of this kind of style.

Este fue un regalo de mi para mi (?) 
Una Media peluca replica de Prisila, ya viene en camino, probablemente me llegue a principios de enero.

Una Media peluca replica de Prisila, ya viene en camino, probablemente me llegue a principios de enero.
La pedi en tono LIYE, me preocupa un poco el tono, ya que es una replica. Pero la razón principal por cual la pedí, es que quiero experimentar con ella, y no me atrevo hacerlo con la peluca prisila original.
To me, from me.
This half wig of Prisila (replica), i ordered this like a week ago, so it's going to arrive until january. I ordered the LIYE one, i'm kind of worry about the color, because i don't know if the color of the replica is the same of the original one. I want to experiment a little with this one.
This half wig of Prisila (replica), i ordered this like a week ago, so it's going to arrive until january. I ordered the LIYE one, i'm kind of worry about the color, because i don't know if the color of the replica is the same of the original one. I want to experiment a little with this one.

De parte de mi amigo Carlos, fue que me dijo que eligiera mi regalo, asi que agarre unas extensiones (que aun no me llegan, buh) asi que por eso no tengo fotos , pero las pondré probablemente en la proxima entrada.
From my friend Carlos, he told me to choose whatever i wanted, so i choose this hair extensions pieces. I don't have photos because i still don't have the package, buh~

Ahora formo parte del elenco de Gyaru America Latina TV (GalTV)!!!!
Estoy muy contenta! a decir verdad, estaba muuuy nerviosa en mi primer video, ya que era la primera vez que hacia un video para algún canal, pero di lo mejor de mi! espero poco a poco mejor con mis videos, con mi estilo y ayudar a todas las que quieren iniciar o seguir el Gyaru.
I also have an amazing surprise and it's .... ~ * drums *
Now I'm part of the cast of Gyaru America Latina TV (GalTV)!!
I am very happy! to tell the truth, I was sooo nervous in my first video, and it was the first time I did a video for a channel, but I gave it my best! I I hope little by little i improve with my videos, my style and help all who want to start or follow the Gyaru

This was the outfit that i used the day of the Video

♥ Outer: Offbrand
♥ Dress: Liz Lisa
♥ Boots: Liz Lisa (replica)
♥ Hair: Prisila

This was my makeup and hairstyle

I'm really happy because i think that i'm improving with my style~ I hope to improve more and more !

Hasta la proxima!
Thanks for reading my blog!
Until next time!