Hola conejitos como estan? yo muy PERO MUY FELIZ! quiero contarles que por fin soy tia!!!! El 8 de abril nació mi hermoso sobrino, Dylan.

Hello bunnies how are? I'm VERY HAPPY! I want to tell you that I'm finally aunt!! On April 8 my beautiful nephew was born, Dylan.

No es adorable? Se parece demasiado a mi hermana, le quiero comprar mucha ropita cute!
Isn't he adorable? He looks just like my sister! i want to buy cute clothes for my nephew!
Isn't he adorable? He looks just like my sister! i want to buy cute clothes for my nephew!

Por fin me llego mi paquete de ropa que encargue de TaoBao, me encanto todo!
Finally my TaoBao's package arrived!

Ame este vestido de Pink Latte, al principio tenia miedo de que me quedara muy ajustado ya que se supone que era para "Very slim Girls", pero al final si me quedo, me encanto
I loved this denim dress from Pink Latte, at first I was afraid that It will be very tight because it was supposed for "Very slim Girls", but in the end it fit me perfect.
I loved this denim dress from Pink Latte, at first I was afraid that It will be very tight because it was supposed for "Very slim Girls", but in the end it fit me perfect.

Esta blusa me encanto, otra replica Liz Lisa, tan solo me costo 15 usd
Floral Liz Lisa Top, only cost me 15 usd
Floral Liz Lisa Top, only cost me 15 usd

Replica Short Liz Lisa, esta todo arrugado pero me gusto muchísimo y tan solo me costo 14 usd
Liz Lisa Short, this is all wrinkled but I liked it very much and only cost me 14 usd

Se supone que esta blusa es una replica de Tra la la, pero se me hizo muy sencilla
A nice TraLaLa Top , but very simple.

Para mi sorpresa al abrir el paquete, venían dentro esto moños de regalo! Realmente no me los esperaba, pero me encantaron!
For my surprise,This came with the package! Ma*rs bows as gifts! (Of course they're replicas) such a nice present! i love them!
Tambien me llego otro paquete, pero este no era de TaoBao sino de Ebay
Another package arrived, but this is not from TaoBao, this was from Ebay

For my surprise,This came with the package! Ma*rs bows as gifts! (Of course they're replicas) such a nice present! i love them!
Tambien me llego otro paquete, pero este no era de TaoBao sino de Ebay
Another package arrived, but this is not from TaoBao, this was from Ebay

Por fin me llegaron mis pantuflas de Molang! *extremadamente feliz*
Finally I got my slippers of Molang! * extremely happy *

Son muy cómodas, aunque son tan lindas que me da miedo usarlas y ensuciarlas
They are very comfortable, but they are so cute that I'm scared to use them and get dirty

Adiós Gordura!
He decidido iniciar con una vida sana. 

Una de mis metas de este año era tener una vida sana. Gracias a mi viaje por Perú aumente de peso así que ahora planeo bajarlo con la ayuda de buena alimentación y ejercicios.
Bye Bye Fattness!
I decided to start with a healthy lifestyle.
One of my goals this year was to have a healthy lifestyle. Thanks to my trip to Peru i gained weight so now I plan to lose weight with the help of good nutrition and exercise.

Adiós Gaseosas (especialmente Coca Cola y Dr.Pepper) y hola deliciosos jugos de naranja y Toronja
Amo totalmente comer toronjas, son mi adicción.
Amo totalmente comer toronjas, son mi adicción.
Bye Bye Sodas (specially Coca cola and Dr.Pepper) and hello delicious orange and grapefruit juice.
I love grapefruits.
I love grapefruits.

Y obviamente necesitaba ver si realmente bajo de peso, así que me compre esta Bascula . Aun no tengo un peso ideal o cuanto me gustaría bajar, simplemente me quiero reafirmar y bajar eso extra que tengo.
And obviously needed to see if it really losing weight, so I buy this Weight Scale.Although I have no ideal weight or how much I would like to lose, I just want to reaffirm and reduce extra that I have.

Llevo 6 días que inicie con mi vida Sana, deje toda chuchería, ahora como sanamente y hago ejercicios a diario. Y ya hay cambios!

It's been 6 days since I start with my Healthy life, I don't eat junk food anymore, i only eat healthy food and I do exercise daily. And there are changes alredady!
My Weight was 57.2 Kg now my Weight is 55.3 Kg! Not much but for me it is an achievement because I'm usually too lazy. Now I'm really motivated and hope to continue losing weight. Also reduced 6 cm of waist. I am very happy!

Compras recientes:
Recent purchases:

En cuanto las vi, me enamore de ellas, originalmente iba a comprar las de gatito, pero descubrí que si existían de conejito! son tan yo! Inmediatamente las compre, espero que me lleguen pronto!
As I saw them, I fall in love with them, i was originally going to buy the kitty ones, but I found the bunny ones! they're so me! I Immediately buy them.

También pedí las de color negro, apoco no son tan adorables?
I also ordered the black ones, adorable,right?
También encargue unos Circle Lens, los I.fairy super crystal brown y también me compre maquillaje Coreano. Solo es cuestión de esperar a que lleguen mis paquetes.
I also ordered a pair of Circle Lens, the I.fairy super crystal brown. Also some Korean makeup. Just a matter of waiting for my packages to arrive.
También encargue unos Circle Lens, los I.fairy super crystal brown y también me compre maquillaje Coreano. Solo es cuestión de esperar a que lleguen mis paquetes.
I also ordered a pair of Circle Lens, the I.fairy super crystal brown. Also some Korean makeup. Just a matter of waiting for my packages to arrive.